Tag Archives: dog shedding

Everybody was dog fur fighting

10 Aug

Almost every dog owner can use some tips to help the control the “fur factor” in the house. Here are a 3 of mine.

1.  Roomba! The best invention ever.  Roomba sits on a charging station full-time. You just need to plop it down in whatever room needs to be vacuumed, press the button, and go back to entertaining your dogs. It comes with two “Virtual Walls” that allow you to block access to certain rooms or areas. You can see by the full bin of dog hair in the Roomba bin, it has no problem in picking up the dog hair. You do have to empty the bin after each use and keep the rollers clean – but it only takes a few moments. I use the canned air for cleaning computers – and that keeps everything pretty clean.

Fur Fighter

2. The Scotch™ Fur Fighter This is a great broom like sweeper for quick touch-ups and works way better than a broom. The hair is somehow attracted to the disposable cloths that go over the head of the sweeper.
It glides across the floor pretty easy and can pick-up lots of hair pretty quickly.

3.  Furminator  The best tool to keep the hair from even hitting the floor. These tools can be kind of pricy, but they are worth every penny. One thing to note though is that you need to make sure to not irritate your dog’s skin. Wyatt the JRT has a thicker, wiry coat and it doesn’t bother him at all. I would not however use the Furminator on Ren.